Hajj in 2023 english | short description

Hajj in 2023 english | short description

Hajj in english

Hajj in english

Spirit of Hajj 

  • It is narrated from Aisha, she explains that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said.
  • Take round into Allah's house, among the Safa Murray and do saai, And killing the concrete on Hambrat all these actions are for the mention of Allaah. The Sa'a Rama Hambrat of Bethlehem Safa Marwa, is all Hajjab's actions۔
  • Haji Haram also defiles to Beth Allah during Hajj.Also does Saua and Marwa also do.  Hambrat also through the concrete.  All these actions can be fulfilled can not be Hajj without them۔ 

  • But all these actions and members are unbelievable despite their greatness۔  If the actual purpose is not to be in front of the real purpose of Hajj is the establishment of Allah۔  Indeed, the mention of Allah is the real essence of all the actions and realistic۔  If it is not permissible to see the majestic, and only members of the pilgrims of the Hajj.  So the appearance of Hajj will be a body in which the soul is not۔

  • The right thing is also said about the prayer in the Quran۔
  • " And establish prayer for me"
  • The actual essence of the prayer and the real spirit is also mentioned by Allah.
  • Prayer without mentioning Allah is not praying that the law is desired۔ 
  • And who is sincerely believers prayers who close them to God۔ save from unhealthy and haram deeds.
  • Prayer of hypocrites is not entitled to say prayer۔  That he is empty from the essence۔ 

Hajj in english

  • The hypocrites have been said about the prayer۔  
  • They read prayers to show people and do not mention Allah۔ 
  •  It is obvious that in the worship of God's remembrance and the pleasure of Allah, how can he be sincerely?  And what is the opinion of Allah with such action?
  •  The same thing similar to the same thing is also said about the sacrifice۔
  •   Allah reaches the meat of those sacrifices nor their blood, but it is your  Divine. 
  • Actually the good and popular thing is God's love and fear. The attraction that is done is actually in the eyes of God۔ 
  •  What does not mean to God with the action that is not for him۔  
  • There will be a unique body if they are empty from the original essence and the real purpose - mentioned Allah۔ 

Hajj in english

Sacrifice ;

  • Hazrat Aisha said ۔ Hazrat Muhammadï·º says۔  The day of Adam is not more beloved by the sacrifice of the children of Adam۔
  • And the sacrifice, the animal, on the Day of Judgment, your horns will be necessary with their hair and their rugs۔ 
  • So do the sacrifice of Allah with full pleasure۔

  • To slaughter the meaning of naher.The ten history of Zuhijah, who sacrifices qualified Islam, and everywhere slaughter is slaughtered. 
  • Therefore, on that day, it was remembered by the name of the  Naher Day..
  • On the day of ten people, Muslims and many do good work and can do۔
  • But Allah Almighty has appointed for Muslims for Muslims, which is a special act "ahraq ul dam". Allah is the most favorite of Muslims this day.
  • Zaid bin Arqam is the statement that once the companion asked Allah's Messenger, or what is the history of the Messenger of Allah۔
  • He said, "This is the Sunnah of your father Abraham."
  • The real event in the light of the Qur'an is that Abraham looked at the dream that he was his son  Hazrat Ismail is slaughtering, he described his dream from his son Ismail۔
  • He knew his opinion, the recognition of Hazrat Ishmael said۔

  • O Aba Jan you do it. The process which you have been ordered, will you be able to keep me obey...
  • And faithful believers Hazrat Ibrahim rescued his son Hazrat Ishmael to slaughter God in the way of God۔۔۔
  • So when both the commandments surrendered before the Lord۔۔
  • We called Abraham, O Abraham, you have made your dreams come true, surely we reward the nucleus. 
  • And he said, 
  • and We took Ismail to a great sacrifice۔۔
  • The example of life sacrifice , obediently ,love  who had never seen this example before any human beings and jin.
  • Allah accepts both greatest sacrifices.
  • And sacrificed the goat in the hands of Abraham۔۔
  • This is the Sunnah of Abraham, then the nation is in Islam۔
  • Every Muslim refreshes the same monument by keeping the knife on the throat of the animal on the day of sacrifice۔۔۔
  •  And says to your Lord,  Instead of the blood of my blood, I am pleading for the blood of the beast in your way.
  • Whenever your religion will need, you will not be able to do your blood for your religion.

  • This process of sacrifice is also a complete interpretation of Islam. And also practical evidence.  Allah has issued this Sunnah in the Ummah until lives.
  • Therefore, the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said,  "Nothing more than the bleeding of animals on the day of sacrifice".
  • On today's whole world, the Sunnah of Abraham is announced that this nation is alive۔   Its feelings and life are alive to sacrifice.
  • The spirit of sacrifice is not only for men but also for women,  See that they are present to the animal of the sacrifice.

The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said, "Fatima, said," Wake up and present your sacrifice.

This emotion of life sacrifice is visible to this  Without a sacrifice, only charity and charity can not be created, therefore, the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said that  On the day of sacrifice, the best of sacrifices is the animal of sacrifices, which is sacrificed on the day of Eid۔۔۔

Then how popular this day is this beloved process in the sight of God۔

From the words that the blood drop of blood on the earth does not find it to be accepted by Allah. 

Hajj in english

Hajj in english

 And one thing of the animal of sacrifice is that the hair and the Khar, who really becomes wealthy, they are also acceptable and rewarded in the sight of God.

 The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) has strong warning that the person who does not offer sacrifices despite the ability to sacrifice and do not come to our Eid.

 It is prayer after slaughtering;

O Allah, accept this sacrifice, as you accept the sacrifice of your friend Abraham, both of them.

must  read: love poetry sad poetry

Hajj in english

Hajj in english

Spirit of Hajj 

  • It is narrated from Aisha, she explains that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said.
  • Take round into Allah's house, among the Safa Murray and do saai, And killing the concrete on Hambrat all these actions are for the mention of Allaah. The Sa'a Rama Hambrat of Bethlehem Safa Marwa, is all Hajjab's actions۔
  • Haji Haram also defiles to Beth Allah during Hajj.Also does Saua and Marwa also do.  Hambrat also through the concrete.  All these actions can be fulfilled can not be Hajj without them۔ 

  • But all these actions and members are unbelievable despite their greatness۔  If the actual purpose is not to be in front of the real purpose of Hajj is the establishment of Allah۔  Indeed, the mention of Allah is the real essence of all the actions and realistic۔  If it is not permissible to see the majestic, and only members of the pilgrims of the Hajj.  So the appearance of Hajj will be a body in which the soul is not۔

  • The right thing is also said about the prayer in the Quran۔
  • " And establish prayer for me"
  • The actual essence of the prayer and the real spirit is also mentioned by Allah.
  • Prayer without mentioning Allah is not praying that the law is desired۔ 
  • And who is sincerely believers prayers who close them to God۔ save from unhealthy and haram deeds.
  • Prayer of hypocrites is not entitled to say prayer۔  That he is empty from the essence۔ 

Hajj in english

  • The hypocrites have been said about the prayer۔  
  • They read prayers to show people and do not mention Allah۔ 
  •  It is obvious that in the worship of God's remembrance and the pleasure of Allah, how can he be sincerely?  And what is the opinion of Allah with such action?
  •  The same thing similar to the same thing is also said about the sacrifice۔
  •   Allah reaches the meat of those sacrifices nor their blood, but it is your  Divine. 
  • Actually the good and popular thing is God's love and fear. The attraction that is done is actually in the eyes of God۔ 
  •  What does not mean to God with the action that is not for him۔  
  • There will be a unique body if they are empty from the original essence and the real purpose - mentioned Allah۔ 

Hajj in english

Sacrifice ;

  • Hazrat Aisha said ۔ Hazrat Muhammadï·º says۔  The day of Adam is not more beloved by the sacrifice of the children of Adam۔
  • And the sacrifice, the animal, on the Day of Judgment, your horns will be necessary with their hair and their rugs۔ 
  • So do the sacrifice of Allah with full pleasure۔

  • To slaughter the meaning of naher.The ten history of Zuhijah, who sacrifices qualified Islam, and everywhere slaughter is slaughtered. 
  • Therefore, on that day, it was remembered by the name of the  Naher Day..
  • On the day of ten people, Muslims and many do good work and can do۔
  • But Allah Almighty has appointed for Muslims for Muslims, which is a special act "ahraq ul dam". Allah is the most favorite of Muslims this day.
  • Zaid bin Arqam is the statement that once the companion asked Allah's Messenger, or what is the history of the Messenger of Allah۔
  • He said, "This is the Sunnah of your father Abraham."
  • The real event in the light of the Qur'an is that Abraham looked at the dream that he was his son  Hazrat Ismail is slaughtering, he described his dream from his son Ismail۔
  • He knew his opinion, the recognition of Hazrat Ishmael said۔

  • O Aba Jan you do it. The process which you have been ordered, will you be able to keep me obey...
  • And faithful believers Hazrat Ibrahim rescued his son Hazrat Ishmael to slaughter God in the way of God۔۔۔
  • So when both the commandments surrendered before the Lord۔۔
  • We called Abraham, O Abraham, you have made your dreams come true, surely we reward the nucleus. 
  • And he said, 
  • and We took Ismail to a great sacrifice۔۔
  • The example of life sacrifice , obediently ,love  who had never seen this example before any human beings and jin.
  • Allah accepts both greatest sacrifices.
  • And sacrificed the goat in the hands of Abraham۔۔
  • This is the Sunnah of Abraham, then the nation is in Islam۔
  • Every Muslim refreshes the same monument by keeping the knife on the throat of the animal on the day of sacrifice۔۔۔
  •  And says to your Lord,  Instead of the blood of my blood, I am pleading for the blood of the beast in your way.
  • Whenever your religion will need, you will not be able to do your blood for your religion.

  • This process of sacrifice is also a complete interpretation of Islam. And also practical evidence.  Allah has issued this Sunnah in the Ummah until lives.
  • Therefore, the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said,  "Nothing more than the bleeding of animals on the day of sacrifice".
  • On today's whole world, the Sunnah of Abraham is announced that this nation is alive۔   Its feelings and life are alive to sacrifice.
  • The spirit of sacrifice is not only for men but also for women,  See that they are present to the animal of the sacrifice.

The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said, "Fatima, said," Wake up and present your sacrifice.

This emotion of life sacrifice is visible to this  Without a sacrifice, only charity and charity can not be created, therefore, the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said that  On the day of sacrifice, the best of sacrifices is the animal of sacrifices, which is sacrificed on the day of Eid۔۔۔

Then how popular this day is this beloved process in the sight of God۔

From the words that the blood drop of blood on the earth does not find it to be accepted by Allah. 

Hajj in english

Hajj in english

 And one thing of the animal of sacrifice is that the hair and the Khar, who really becomes wealthy, they are also acceptable and rewarded in the sight of God.

 The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) has strong warning that the person who does not offer sacrifices despite the ability to sacrifice and do not come to our Eid.

 It is prayer after slaughtering;

O Allah, accept this sacrifice, as you accept the sacrifice of your friend Abraham, both of them.

must  read: love poetry sad poetry

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