Twin Flame Signs and Connection

Twin Flame Signs and Connection

Twin flame connection / Twin flame journey /what is Twin flame love
Twin flame connection / Twin flame journey / What is Twin flame love?

Twin flame connection / Twin flame journey /  what is Twin flame love?

Twin Flame

 1-What is Twin flame?

§  A twin flame connection or relationship might be very on and off…and the relationship might be super tense and emotional. Not  everyone experience a twin flame relationship in a single lifetime.   You felt a strange, inexplicable sense of “recognition” when you met   them.
§  You have a feeling that they are going to play a very important role in your life. You have established an immediate, intense connection with them. You feel as though you have finally found a “home” or safe place. You both embody the yin and yang. You don’t need to know how to make Twin Flame union happen, the Universe knows HOW?   
§  You’ve never felt so much love before. You can’t stop thinking about them. You’ve never felt more alive in your life. You are obsessed with someone you barely know. Your twin flam is a mirror that reveals the best and worst aspect of you. That’s why this is an intense relationship with a combination of deep love and pain. The twin flame relationship is transformational because you are two aspects of the same energy field.
§  You feel like you have known this person your whole life. Your twin flame. Your twin flame will feel like “home” for you.
§  “When a soul is created, it is split into two parts, mirrors of each other, constantly yearning to reconnect
§  “A twin flame is your own soul, shared across what appears to be two physical being. It’s one soul split into two bodies.

2-Purpose of twin flame?

·         At its core, twin flame love is “about spiritual growth” and its purpose to awaken your soul… A twin flame connection doesn’t necessarily have to be romantic. A twin flame’s purpose is to help you teach each other and grow. But there must be attraction.. 

3-How many twin flames?

§   You have only one twin flame, you’ve been together through lifetimes.

§   When you meet, you recognize each other at the soul level. As the twin flame relationship intensifies, one twin flame.

§   Can run away while the other feels tempted to chase them because they can’t bear the separation. You only have one twin flame.

§   One soul that can you bring you back to your true authentic self. One soul who truly loves every part of you.

Twin flame connection / Twin flame journey / What is Twin flame love?
Twin flame connection / Twin flame journey / What is Twin flame love?

 4-What is a twin flame connection?

§   Denying the connection is harder to do with each passing day.

§   The telepathy you share cannot be ignored. Full conversation are beginning to take place shifting your thoughts. Memories of the past replay in head.

§   Her/she words are slowly leaving imprints upon your heart. Although you attempt to resist the fate of your destiny. It’s becoming more apparent that standing along side her/his is the main reason for you in this lifetime.

§   Meet in a dream or energetic level. Your twin flame will be perfectly in sync with you. They are your destiny and you are theirs. True twin flame is your destiny and union with them brings great joy, unconditional love and clarity, not confusion.

§   Your true twin flame will cause you to grow in healthy ways. With a true twin flame, your greater mission in this life will become clearer.

§   A twin flame connection is one soul energy in two physical bodies.t is a divine connection of the soul.

§   They perfectly complement each other. They are brought together to experience true love, joy and share their gifts. Once these souls are brought together, they experience a soul recognition known as the one soul. Their energies merge together causing them to feel each other mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

5-Where they meet?

·         Not everyone finds their twin flame, but if you do , it has the potential to be a totally life changing kind of love.

·         When two souls are meant to connect location, timing, and circumstances are all irrelevant. They suddenly become a magnet for one another and despite their efforts to fight it, the universe somehow manipulates it. All in their favor and in that moment, when they finally give in, A new love is born.

·         If it is the first time meeting your twin flame, inner peace washes over you and you start to feel happy because it triggers a new positive vibration within you – you instantly feel like your twin flame has downloaded their conscience into yours and vice versa.

Twin flame connection / Twin flame journey / What is Twin flame love?
Twin flame connection / Twin flame journey / What is Twin flame love?
must read: twin flame connection in urdu..

 6-Twin flames in Islamic and Christianity?

§  People often ask whether there is any mention of twin flames in Bible or Quran.

§  Adam and Eve were the original counterparts. Both the Bible and Quran tell their story.

§  God put Adam to sleep while he took his rib and created Eve… something which, although not confirmed in the Quran, is in fact supported by a Hadith in Bukhari. The reason God put Adam to sleep is so that Adam, on first seeing Eve, would recognize her as being a part of him but also as a gift from God.

§  Since, being asleep, he had no role in creating her. So when he in Genesis 2:23 Exlaims: “This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh,” he does this out of recognition of himself in her, even without knowing she came from him.

§  According to the Qur’an, after the incident in the Garden, God tells Adam and Eve to leave Paradise and go to live on earth. On earth, they no longer remember who they are and become separated from each other for many years. Eventually, after years of searching they pray a sincere prayer of repentance and are reunited with God and each other. Sound familiar? I love Adam’s and Eve’s reunion story because it shows the importance and power of heart-felt prayer because if both counterparts sincerely call upon God to grant their Union then there is no reason why in divine timing it shouldn’t. It also teaches us about patience.

§  Both the Bible and Qur’an agree that the way for us to know God and to truly understand His word is to first come to an accurate & full knowledge of ourselves. This is relevant to the twin flame journey in so many ways because the often the connection to the twin mimics closely/reflects the connection to the Self. If a man wants to see himself, he looks in the mirror, right? – and there is no truer reflection than your counterpart twin.

§  The Bible tells man to “Know Thyself” (Romans 12:3-8), whereas Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) is reported to have said “Whoever knows himself knows God”. It makes perfect sense, after all “God created mankind in his own image” (Gen 1:27) and “I breathed into him of My spirit” (Qur’an 38:72). Furthermore, the Qur’an tells us that it is reflecting and examining our own self which guides us to the eternal, infinite Source that is free of need and want; unlimited in knowledge, inspiration and power – and abundant in love, mercy and acceptance. God is within us, closer than our jugular vein (Qur’an, 50:16), and when we come to know ourselves, we can align with His will already planted in our heart.

§  So what do the Bible and the Qur’an say about counterparts? Firstly, both books tell us that God created everything in pairs, such as “And of everything We have created pairs: That ye may receive Instruction” (Qur’an 51:49) and …“male and female he created them” (Gen. 1:27). I particularly like the Quranic text which seems to indicate that us being able to receive “instruction” (i.e. guidance) is somehow linked to our pair.

§  The Prophet of Islam (pbuh) said, “Women are the twin halves of men”.

Twin flame connection
Twin flame connection

7- When meeting with your twin flame?

*      Meeting with your twin flame will not be a chance encounter but rather your souls will  recognize one another.

*      Everything feels different, looks different, is different. You will know it by how you feel  because you won’t feel that way anyone but them. The connection is so strong. And intense  it may even scares you…

*      But you will not able to ignore it. You come alive around them and the passion you experience is out of control almost to the brink of madness.

*      And it is the most you have ever felt. You breathe differ supently now, and every cell inside you is on fire, and yet they bring you. A kind of peace you have ever known, your entire world is shaken... and yet you are at home.

8-A unbreakable connection?

ü  You can never cut the true twin flame bond. They have an unbreakable connection forged in their core vibration, this is why we “can’t just let go” no matter how hard the journey our souls yearn and call out to each other.

9-The spark of love?

Ø  Twin flame relationship is the most powerful. The connection is so deep, pure and can’t be duplicated. Meeting your true Twin is a greatest gift from above because they awaken and sparks you to become your true self. Your Twin transform and inspire you to be the best version of yourself. Truly life changing!!!

Ø  The spark of love melts us to fuse into each other, suddenly two becomes one. Two rivers merge into the ocean of love, and then what remains is no “you” or “me” but “  love ”…..

10-Miss your twin flame what happen?

·         You will always miss your Twin Flame even though you have been separated for a few hours but you always feel your oneness within you. They can talks with heart to heart. They can also feel each other.

·         You can feel his/her energy on the left side of your chest. You can feel a heart pulling sensation and if the energetic share is too intense, you can feel a hard pain around your heart area. The pain comes when you think he/she is missing you intensely and channel his longing.

·         Your connection is so strong that you can’t help but masturbate or think about him/her sexually!!!

Twin flame connection
Twin flame connection

11-Unconditional Love?

v  Yes there always will be unconditional love, you felt a powerful attraction the instant you met. Our love didn’t have to make sense. Our souls understood one another and that’s all mattered.

v  We only fall in love with soul, never fall in love with people, people change. They come and go. But a soul remains forever. I suppose that is why when we love, it is deep love. An unconditional love. A forever love. Unconditional love is a state of being.

v  It occurs when two soul which were made from the same particle, same energy source, same body and were separated a long time ago, they transform each other in a short amount of time.  

12-Real connection?

Ø They simply never die. They can be buried or ignored or walked away from but never broken. If you have deeply resonated with another person or place, the connection remains despite any distance, time, situation, lack of presence, or circumstance.

Ø If you are doubtful then just try it. Go and revisit a person or place and see if there’s any sense at all of the space between now and then. If it was truly real.

Ø You will be instantly swept back into the moment it was before it left- during the same year and same place with the same wonder and hope, comfort and heartbeat. Real connections live on forever.  

13- Twin Flame Love?

v  The twin flame experience teaches you how to face yourself, so that you can reach the full heights of your humanity and potential so that you can be creative, authentic, creative, accepting, independent and brave.

14-Incomplete before met their Twin Flame?

ü  You always felt incomplete before you met their twin flame. We used to feel a void within you but you didn’t know what was the root cause. Life felt empty and meaningless because you did not feel like you had a center. You felt like you needed to find yourself but did not know where to begin. You also felt insecure and fearful of the future. You used to ask myself on a daily;   “what is the meaning of life”

ü  But your Twin Flame walked into your life, you become relaxed within. Peace came over and all the fears, worries, and insecurities washed away. “You felt complete: Like you had found home”

15- We exchange our flames?

v  We exchange our flames and burn each other until we are the same, you are breathing in me, I am breathing in you. Isn’t it a divine game?

v  One day, weather you are 14, 28 or 67 you will stumble upon someone who will start a fire in YOU that can’t die, however, the saddest, most awful truth you will ever come to find…

v  Is they are not always with whom we spend our lives. When the mind falls in love, it’s temporary, when the heart falls in love, it last a lifetime, when the soul falls in love, it’s eternal.

v  When twin souls connect the heart chakra opens to enormous feeling of love and this love spins through the heart chakra creating a portal for telepathic communication between them.

16-Meet Right time, right people?

·         You can’t force a connection, you meet the right people at the right time under the right circumstances through natural vibration.

·         Goodbyes are the only for those who love with their eyes, because for those who love with heart and soul there is no such thing as separation.

17- Twin flames are in fact a lesson?

ü  Twin flames are in fact a lesson about self love. It has always been this way. If you can love without conditions and even letting go, it is pure bliss.

ü  Twin flames are a scared union, it teaches you that you will never find happiness until you let it go of all illusions that you need someone to be complete. No you don’t you need your female/male counterpart so as to balance your energy.

ü  When it is done, you realise he/she is within you. No more wanting or looking for. You feel in bliss each and every second. You ‘know’ you are ONE…’

Twin flame connection
Twin flame connection

18- Twin flame question?

a)   a)    How can we tell if it is in our heads or if it is really happening?
b)      Especially with how they feel & act towards us, should we believe they feel the same?

·         Yes, they do in a very deep soul level. It is in the reality and real.

·         Because of the very breath you take you have survived for so long.

·         No ordinary soul can go through what you have gone through & still be breathing your every breath is proof in the physical that true love EXIST. Twins are always finding each other.

·         They love you & feel the same & will go through the every lesson as you do. But you move & lead first for them to follow leading by healing. As you move forward, they will move as well.

19-When two souls call to each other?

v  When two souls call to each other the universe hears the whisper and conspires to bring them together. In the world of spirit, distance is not an issue and time is not a barrier.

v  Two souls who have found each other and hold on the hand of the divine will see heaven and earth move to make a way for their love.

20- Twin flames are chosen by God?

*      Two energies completely identical to the other. They reflect each other’s inner fears & weaknesses yet they also reflect each other’s strengths, desires & inner beauty. They are destined to be together.

*      They will always find their Way back to each other. Twin flames are chosen by God & put together to teach, grow & share unconditional & passionate LOVE.

Twin flame connection
Twin flame connection

21- Signs you have found your Twin flames?

1-      When you met there was instant recognition. When you first encounter your twin flames, Spinelli says there will be an intense sense of attraction recognition and longing. “meeting a twin flames often feels like home”.

2-      You are very similar. You and your twin flame may find that you have a lot in common as far as values, past experiences, and interests.

3-      You complement each other. In those areas that you aren’t similar, you will find your differences complement each other.

4-      Your insecurities and doubts are amplified. The purpose of your twin flame is to support and help you with your divine mission and purpose.

5-      They feel magnetic. From the moment you met and still to this day, you feel drawn to them physically when they are near you, as well as magnetically, when you are apart. It’s as though their energy is always with you, always wanting to be closer.

6-        The relationship is very intense and real. There is a definite emotional charge between twin flames, says and they often develop quickly because you already feel so familiar.

7-      You keep coming back together. The chase is most definitely a part of the twin flame relationship. At some point one of you may walk away, out of fear, anger –you name it. But you will often comeback. If you are in an “on and off” again type relationship, it could be with your twin flame. Kaiser says “you will find that things just keep bringing you together in random ways. Could be months, years, even decades; you just always find  your way back to one another”.

8-      Your connection feels divine. When you find your twin flames, there’s certain larger- than life quality that likely feels divine or predestined. There is a feeling that you have been brought together by a higher power,

9-      You have an almost psychic connection. You and your twin flame can likely communicate with just a glance. And you always know what the other is thinking. You may feel each other’s emotions or symptoms.

10-  They push you to be and do better. Because twin flame act as mirrors. They challenge us to do better, and oftentimes, your purpose are aligned in a way that pushes both of you to new heights. It’s a very expansive relationship that promotes a lot of growth.

22-Twin flame vs. Soulmate?

While Twin flame might be hot right now, the word Soulmate gets tossed around far more frequently. Perhaps even too frequently. Soulmates are people your soul has crossed paths with in a very significant way at some point in your soul’s journey says MCKEAN, “it could be a mother daughter connection, friendship, or two lovers.

Your souls are energetically tied together and when life has its way, it intersects your paths again. Sometimes they are not always for the better, as arch enemies can be soulmates”. While the origin of twin flames goes back thousands of years, the term “soulmates” appear to be less than 200 years old. One of the most well-know and earliest uses of soulmate was in 1822 in a letter poet Samuel Taylor Coleridge wrote: To be happy in married life…you must have a Soul-Mate. Where soulmates and twin flames also differ is in how they affect their lives, as well the lives and life around them.


Twin flames are different than soulmates as you can have many soulmates in your life that you meet to work out your karma with …but you only have one twin flame as your twin flame is the other half of you, says ERICA KORMAN, a psychic medium / energy healer / spiritual expert. “Soulmates can be any close relationship that makes you evolve to learn lessons for your soul’s growth. Twin flames are on a whole other level of love and romantic relationships making you face yourself and have your darkness be mirrored back to you can see it, heal it, and heal the world through this connection, making the world a better place by coming together.

Twin flame connection
Twin flame connection


23- What are the signs someone is your Twin Flame?

v  If you are looking for twin flame signs, a big one that’s a sort of neon light is that the connection between you and your twin flame is far too strong to ever be simply a platonic relationship.

v  Not only do you both ‘click’ with each other, but you will find yourselves of the same mindset, ideals, and preferences without even needing to say a word.

24- Can soulmates be twin flames?

v  Though there are some shared characteristics between these relationship, soulmates can’t be twin flames. Soulmates are two souls that are destined to be together,

v  While twin flames are thought to be the same soul cut in two. Soulmates are naturally compatible and are often perfectly suited to one another. Twin flames on the other hand have a strong attraction to one another.

v  But are not actually that compatible because they are too similar to one another. Soulmates are meant to be together while twin flames are meant to encourage growth and awareness in the other. We should note here that it is possible for twin flames to end up together if they able to overcome their insecurities and triggers.

25- Which is better?

It is hard to say which relationship is better, because the two serve very different purposes. You will likely end up with your soulmate but because of your deep connection and strong compatibility. Twin flame relationship are less about lifelong companionship and more about teaching you about yourself and promoting growth. Twin flame relationships serve a purpose and often pave the way for other more lifelong relationships, which makes them super important in the scheme of your life. We should note here that twin flame relationship can become toxic if you and your partner simply mirror each other’s insecurities and weakness without putting in the work to address these issues in yourself and in the relationships. While twin flames relationships can be an opportunity for growth, they can also turn sour.

Communication, honesty and respect take time to build and we can sometimes get lost along the way!!

26- Have you seen them in your Dreams?

§  Several years ago you have seen them in yours Dreams. They are also a part of your dream. And one day you will meet with them. A meeting is enough for twin flames relationship. . .

§  And combined with each other’s soul. And heart begins to talk. You both can feel each other heart beats and warmth of love. You can’t forget them. Heart beating is major and very big sign of this relationship. Perhaps you get to cry when you are getting beating from your heart to heart soul to soul….

§  It a very special connection of heart journey. So enjoy it. It’s a blessing of GOD. Wish you all the best…


Twin flame connection
Twin flame connection


 Twin flame connection / Twin flame journey / what is Twin flame love?

twin flame stages, what is twin flame relationship? twin flame connection in hindi, Twin flame love, twin flame vs soul mate, what is twin flame journey,












Twin flame connection / Twin flame journey /what is Twin flame love
Twin flame connection / Twin flame journey / What is Twin flame love?

Twin flame connection / Twin flame journey /  what is Twin flame love?

Twin Flame

 1-What is Twin flame?

§  A twin flame connection or relationship might be very on and off…and the relationship might be super tense and emotional. Not  everyone experience a twin flame relationship in a single lifetime.   You felt a strange, inexplicable sense of “recognition” when you met   them.
§  You have a feeling that they are going to play a very important role in your life. You have established an immediate, intense connection with them. You feel as though you have finally found a “home” or safe place. You both embody the yin and yang. You don’t need to know how to make Twin Flame union happen, the Universe knows HOW?   
§  You’ve never felt so much love before. You can’t stop thinking about them. You’ve never felt more alive in your life. You are obsessed with someone you barely know. Your twin flam is a mirror that reveals the best and worst aspect of you. That’s why this is an intense relationship with a combination of deep love and pain. The twin flame relationship is transformational because you are two aspects of the same energy field.
§  You feel like you have known this person your whole life. Your twin flame. Your twin flame will feel like “home” for you.
§  “When a soul is created, it is split into two parts, mirrors of each other, constantly yearning to reconnect
§  “A twin flame is your own soul, shared across what appears to be two physical being. It’s one soul split into two bodies.

2-Purpose of twin flame?

·         At its core, twin flame love is “about spiritual growth” and its purpose to awaken your soul… A twin flame connection doesn’t necessarily have to be romantic. A twin flame’s purpose is to help you teach each other and grow. But there must be attraction.. 

3-How many twin flames?

§   You have only one twin flame, you’ve been together through lifetimes.

§   When you meet, you recognize each other at the soul level. As the twin flame relationship intensifies, one twin flame.

§   Can run away while the other feels tempted to chase them because they can’t bear the separation. You only have one twin flame.

§   One soul that can you bring you back to your true authentic self. One soul who truly loves every part of you.

Twin flame connection / Twin flame journey / What is Twin flame love?
Twin flame connection / Twin flame journey / What is Twin flame love?

 4-What is a twin flame connection?

§   Denying the connection is harder to do with each passing day.

§   The telepathy you share cannot be ignored. Full conversation are beginning to take place shifting your thoughts. Memories of the past replay in head.

§   Her/she words are slowly leaving imprints upon your heart. Although you attempt to resist the fate of your destiny. It’s becoming more apparent that standing along side her/his is the main reason for you in this lifetime.

§   Meet in a dream or energetic level. Your twin flame will be perfectly in sync with you. They are your destiny and you are theirs. True twin flame is your destiny and union with them brings great joy, unconditional love and clarity, not confusion.

§   Your true twin flame will cause you to grow in healthy ways. With a true twin flame, your greater mission in this life will become clearer.

§   A twin flame connection is one soul energy in two physical bodies.t is a divine connection of the soul.

§   They perfectly complement each other. They are brought together to experience true love, joy and share their gifts. Once these souls are brought together, they experience a soul recognition known as the one soul. Their energies merge together causing them to feel each other mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

5-Where they meet?

·         Not everyone finds their twin flame, but if you do , it has the potential to be a totally life changing kind of love.

·         When two souls are meant to connect location, timing, and circumstances are all irrelevant. They suddenly become a magnet for one another and despite their efforts to fight it, the universe somehow manipulates it. All in their favor and in that moment, when they finally give in, A new love is born.

·         If it is the first time meeting your twin flame, inner peace washes over you and you start to feel happy because it triggers a new positive vibration within you – you instantly feel like your twin flame has downloaded their conscience into yours and vice versa.

Twin flame connection / Twin flame journey / What is Twin flame love?
Twin flame connection / Twin flame journey / What is Twin flame love?
must read: twin flame connection in urdu..

 6-Twin flames in Islamic and Christianity?

§  People often ask whether there is any mention of twin flames in Bible or Quran.

§  Adam and Eve were the original counterparts. Both the Bible and Quran tell their story.

§  God put Adam to sleep while he took his rib and created Eve… something which, although not confirmed in the Quran, is in fact supported by a Hadith in Bukhari. The reason God put Adam to sleep is so that Adam, on first seeing Eve, would recognize her as being a part of him but also as a gift from God.

§  Since, being asleep, he had no role in creating her. So when he in Genesis 2:23 Exlaims: “This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh,” he does this out of recognition of himself in her, even without knowing she came from him.

§  According to the Qur’an, after the incident in the Garden, God tells Adam and Eve to leave Paradise and go to live on earth. On earth, they no longer remember who they are and become separated from each other for many years. Eventually, after years of searching they pray a sincere prayer of repentance and are reunited with God and each other. Sound familiar? I love Adam’s and Eve’s reunion story because it shows the importance and power of heart-felt prayer because if both counterparts sincerely call upon God to grant their Union then there is no reason why in divine timing it shouldn’t. It also teaches us about patience.

§  Both the Bible and Qur’an agree that the way for us to know God and to truly understand His word is to first come to an accurate & full knowledge of ourselves. This is relevant to the twin flame journey in so many ways because the often the connection to the twin mimics closely/reflects the connection to the Self. If a man wants to see himself, he looks in the mirror, right? – and there is no truer reflection than your counterpart twin.

§  The Bible tells man to “Know Thyself” (Romans 12:3-8), whereas Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) is reported to have said “Whoever knows himself knows God”. It makes perfect sense, after all “God created mankind in his own image” (Gen 1:27) and “I breathed into him of My spirit” (Qur’an 38:72). Furthermore, the Qur’an tells us that it is reflecting and examining our own self which guides us to the eternal, infinite Source that is free of need and want; unlimited in knowledge, inspiration and power – and abundant in love, mercy and acceptance. God is within us, closer than our jugular vein (Qur’an, 50:16), and when we come to know ourselves, we can align with His will already planted in our heart.

§  So what do the Bible and the Qur’an say about counterparts? Firstly, both books tell us that God created everything in pairs, such as “And of everything We have created pairs: That ye may receive Instruction” (Qur’an 51:49) and …“male and female he created them” (Gen. 1:27). I particularly like the Quranic text which seems to indicate that us being able to receive “instruction” (i.e. guidance) is somehow linked to our pair.

§  The Prophet of Islam (pbuh) said, “Women are the twin halves of men”.

Twin flame connection
Twin flame connection

7- When meeting with your twin flame?

*      Meeting with your twin flame will not be a chance encounter but rather your souls will  recognize one another.

*      Everything feels different, looks different, is different. You will know it by how you feel  because you won’t feel that way anyone but them. The connection is so strong. And intense  it may even scares you…

*      But you will not able to ignore it. You come alive around them and the passion you experience is out of control almost to the brink of madness.

*      And it is the most you have ever felt. You breathe differ supently now, and every cell inside you is on fire, and yet they bring you. A kind of peace you have ever known, your entire world is shaken... and yet you are at home.

8-A unbreakable connection?

ü  You can never cut the true twin flame bond. They have an unbreakable connection forged in their core vibration, this is why we “can’t just let go” no matter how hard the journey our souls yearn and call out to each other.

9-The spark of love?

Ø  Twin flame relationship is the most powerful. The connection is so deep, pure and can’t be duplicated. Meeting your true Twin is a greatest gift from above because they awaken and sparks you to become your true self. Your Twin transform and inspire you to be the best version of yourself. Truly life changing!!!

Ø  The spark of love melts us to fuse into each other, suddenly two becomes one. Two rivers merge into the ocean of love, and then what remains is no “you” or “me” but “  love ”…..

10-Miss your twin flame what happen?

·         You will always miss your Twin Flame even though you have been separated for a few hours but you always feel your oneness within you. They can talks with heart to heart. They can also feel each other.

·         You can feel his/her energy on the left side of your chest. You can feel a heart pulling sensation and if the energetic share is too intense, you can feel a hard pain around your heart area. The pain comes when you think he/she is missing you intensely and channel his longing.

·         Your connection is so strong that you can’t help but masturbate or think about him/her sexually!!!

Twin flame connection
Twin flame connection

11-Unconditional Love?

v  Yes there always will be unconditional love, you felt a powerful attraction the instant you met. Our love didn’t have to make sense. Our souls understood one another and that’s all mattered.

v  We only fall in love with soul, never fall in love with people, people change. They come and go. But a soul remains forever. I suppose that is why when we love, it is deep love. An unconditional love. A forever love. Unconditional love is a state of being.

v  It occurs when two soul which were made from the same particle, same energy source, same body and were separated a long time ago, they transform each other in a short amount of time.  

12-Real connection?

Ø They simply never die. They can be buried or ignored or walked away from but never broken. If you have deeply resonated with another person or place, the connection remains despite any distance, time, situation, lack of presence, or circumstance.

Ø If you are doubtful then just try it. Go and revisit a person or place and see if there’s any sense at all of the space between now and then. If it was truly real.

Ø You will be instantly swept back into the moment it was before it left- during the same year and same place with the same wonder and hope, comfort and heartbeat. Real connections live on forever.  

13- Twin Flame Love?

v  The twin flame experience teaches you how to face yourself, so that you can reach the full heights of your humanity and potential so that you can be creative, authentic, creative, accepting, independent and brave.

14-Incomplete before met their Twin Flame?

ü  You always felt incomplete before you met their twin flame. We used to feel a void within you but you didn’t know what was the root cause. Life felt empty and meaningless because you did not feel like you had a center. You felt like you needed to find yourself but did not know where to begin. You also felt insecure and fearful of the future. You used to ask myself on a daily;   “what is the meaning of life”

ü  But your Twin Flame walked into your life, you become relaxed within. Peace came over and all the fears, worries, and insecurities washed away. “You felt complete: Like you had found home”

15- We exchange our flames?

v  We exchange our flames and burn each other until we are the same, you are breathing in me, I am breathing in you. Isn’t it a divine game?

v  One day, weather you are 14, 28 or 67 you will stumble upon someone who will start a fire in YOU that can’t die, however, the saddest, most awful truth you will ever come to find…

v  Is they are not always with whom we spend our lives. When the mind falls in love, it’s temporary, when the heart falls in love, it last a lifetime, when the soul falls in love, it’s eternal.

v  When twin souls connect the heart chakra opens to enormous feeling of love and this love spins through the heart chakra creating a portal for telepathic communication between them.

16-Meet Right time, right people?

·         You can’t force a connection, you meet the right people at the right time under the right circumstances through natural vibration.

·         Goodbyes are the only for those who love with their eyes, because for those who love with heart and soul there is no such thing as separation.

17- Twin flames are in fact a lesson?

ü  Twin flames are in fact a lesson about self love. It has always been this way. If you can love without conditions and even letting go, it is pure bliss.

ü  Twin flames are a scared union, it teaches you that you will never find happiness until you let it go of all illusions that you need someone to be complete. No you don’t you need your female/male counterpart so as to balance your energy.

ü  When it is done, you realise he/she is within you. No more wanting or looking for. You feel in bliss each and every second. You ‘know’ you are ONE…’

Twin flame connection
Twin flame connection

18- Twin flame question?

a)   a)    How can we tell if it is in our heads or if it is really happening?
b)      Especially with how they feel & act towards us, should we believe they feel the same?

·         Yes, they do in a very deep soul level. It is in the reality and real.

·         Because of the very breath you take you have survived for so long.

·         No ordinary soul can go through what you have gone through & still be breathing your every breath is proof in the physical that true love EXIST. Twins are always finding each other.

·         They love you & feel the same & will go through the every lesson as you do. But you move & lead first for them to follow leading by healing. As you move forward, they will move as well.

19-When two souls call to each other?

v  When two souls call to each other the universe hears the whisper and conspires to bring them together. In the world of spirit, distance is not an issue and time is not a barrier.

v  Two souls who have found each other and hold on the hand of the divine will see heaven and earth move to make a way for their love.

20- Twin flames are chosen by God?

*      Two energies completely identical to the other. They reflect each other’s inner fears & weaknesses yet they also reflect each other’s strengths, desires & inner beauty. They are destined to be together.

*      They will always find their Way back to each other. Twin flames are chosen by God & put together to teach, grow & share unconditional & passionate LOVE.

Twin flame connection
Twin flame connection

21- Signs you have found your Twin flames?

1-      When you met there was instant recognition. When you first encounter your twin flames, Spinelli says there will be an intense sense of attraction recognition and longing. “meeting a twin flames often feels like home”.

2-      You are very similar. You and your twin flame may find that you have a lot in common as far as values, past experiences, and interests.

3-      You complement each other. In those areas that you aren’t similar, you will find your differences complement each other.

4-      Your insecurities and doubts are amplified. The purpose of your twin flame is to support and help you with your divine mission and purpose.

5-      They feel magnetic. From the moment you met and still to this day, you feel drawn to them physically when they are near you, as well as magnetically, when you are apart. It’s as though their energy is always with you, always wanting to be closer.

6-        The relationship is very intense and real. There is a definite emotional charge between twin flames, says and they often develop quickly because you already feel so familiar.

7-      You keep coming back together. The chase is most definitely a part of the twin flame relationship. At some point one of you may walk away, out of fear, anger –you name it. But you will often comeback. If you are in an “on and off” again type relationship, it could be with your twin flame. Kaiser says “you will find that things just keep bringing you together in random ways. Could be months, years, even decades; you just always find  your way back to one another”.

8-      Your connection feels divine. When you find your twin flames, there’s certain larger- than life quality that likely feels divine or predestined. There is a feeling that you have been brought together by a higher power,

9-      You have an almost psychic connection. You and your twin flame can likely communicate with just a glance. And you always know what the other is thinking. You may feel each other’s emotions or symptoms.

10-  They push you to be and do better. Because twin flame act as mirrors. They challenge us to do better, and oftentimes, your purpose are aligned in a way that pushes both of you to new heights. It’s a very expansive relationship that promotes a lot of growth.

22-Twin flame vs. Soulmate?

While Twin flame might be hot right now, the word Soulmate gets tossed around far more frequently. Perhaps even too frequently. Soulmates are people your soul has crossed paths with in a very significant way at some point in your soul’s journey says MCKEAN, “it could be a mother daughter connection, friendship, or two lovers.

Your souls are energetically tied together and when life has its way, it intersects your paths again. Sometimes they are not always for the better, as arch enemies can be soulmates”. While the origin of twin flames goes back thousands of years, the term “soulmates” appear to be less than 200 years old. One of the most well-know and earliest uses of soulmate was in 1822 in a letter poet Samuel Taylor Coleridge wrote: To be happy in married life…you must have a Soul-Mate. Where soulmates and twin flames also differ is in how they affect their lives, as well the lives and life around them.


Twin flames are different than soulmates as you can have many soulmates in your life that you meet to work out your karma with …but you only have one twin flame as your twin flame is the other half of you, says ERICA KORMAN, a psychic medium / energy healer / spiritual expert. “Soulmates can be any close relationship that makes you evolve to learn lessons for your soul’s growth. Twin flames are on a whole other level of love and romantic relationships making you face yourself and have your darkness be mirrored back to you can see it, heal it, and heal the world through this connection, making the world a better place by coming together.

Twin flame connection
Twin flame connection


23- What are the signs someone is your Twin Flame?

v  If you are looking for twin flame signs, a big one that’s a sort of neon light is that the connection between you and your twin flame is far too strong to ever be simply a platonic relationship.

v  Not only do you both ‘click’ with each other, but you will find yourselves of the same mindset, ideals, and preferences without even needing to say a word.

24- Can soulmates be twin flames?

v  Though there are some shared characteristics between these relationship, soulmates can’t be twin flames. Soulmates are two souls that are destined to be together,

v  While twin flames are thought to be the same soul cut in two. Soulmates are naturally compatible and are often perfectly suited to one another. Twin flames on the other hand have a strong attraction to one another.

v  But are not actually that compatible because they are too similar to one another. Soulmates are meant to be together while twin flames are meant to encourage growth and awareness in the other. We should note here that it is possible for twin flames to end up together if they able to overcome their insecurities and triggers.

25- Which is better?

It is hard to say which relationship is better, because the two serve very different purposes. You will likely end up with your soulmate but because of your deep connection and strong compatibility. Twin flame relationship are less about lifelong companionship and more about teaching you about yourself and promoting growth. Twin flame relationships serve a purpose and often pave the way for other more lifelong relationships, which makes them super important in the scheme of your life. We should note here that twin flame relationship can become toxic if you and your partner simply mirror each other’s insecurities and weakness without putting in the work to address these issues in yourself and in the relationships. While twin flames relationships can be an opportunity for growth, they can also turn sour.

Communication, honesty and respect take time to build and we can sometimes get lost along the way!!

26- Have you seen them in your Dreams?

§  Several years ago you have seen them in yours Dreams. They are also a part of your dream. And one day you will meet with them. A meeting is enough for twin flames relationship. . .

§  And combined with each other’s soul. And heart begins to talk. You both can feel each other heart beats and warmth of love. You can’t forget them. Heart beating is major and very big sign of this relationship. Perhaps you get to cry when you are getting beating from your heart to heart soul to soul….

§  It a very special connection of heart journey. So enjoy it. It’s a blessing of GOD. Wish you all the best…


Twin flame connection
Twin flame connection


 Twin flame connection / Twin flame journey / what is Twin flame love?

twin flame stages, what is twin flame relationship? twin flame connection in hindi, Twin flame love, twin flame vs soul mate, what is twin flame journey,












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